My dreams for 2024 are already coming true. I decided to focus on learning & filling my time with more spiritual practises. So excited I've had an alcohol free festive period, stopped smoking...... last crux of the old paradigm gone !!! What a weight lifted. So much more energy, so what do I do with it all....?? Focus on what my vision for Soothing Dragons always was......... I feel inspired to share that having an amazing lady in my life who teaches Kinesiology, I have taken up her latest course. I'm so loving learning deeper anatomy & physiology, meridian channels of the body, neurolymphatics & neurovascular. it's ok you don't need to know what it all means, that's why I'm studying it all.
Kinesiology is such an interesting healing modality, it combines the level of understanding of anatomy & physiology a chiropractor has, combined with the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine, emotional wellbeing & looking at the body, mind, heart & past traumas holistically & where the body is storing them, then gives the practitioner a way of helping the body & emotionally processing to release trapped trauma & pain.
Also supporting ourselves with what we put in our bodies, Kinesiology is used to muscle test what our bodies should & shouldn't have.
This is so I alignment with my passion is for helping folk to be the best versions of themselves. I cant wait to be qualified & share it with my clients.